Weekend Writing Warriors #8sentences



The Weekend Writing Warriors share either 8 sentences over the weekend. Here are mine from the start of a historical novella set in Victorian London called Lily & the Mechanic.    

In the last few snippets, Lily entered the Bond Street Bookshop and its illicit sexshop underneath. She has bought their full supply of sheaths while our hero, the ‘mechanic’ was looking through them to make a purchase. He then tries to get her to sell him just one which she refuses and he leaves. Outside her carriage breaks and he appears to help fix it but for a price.


London 1898


Blue-eyes laughed, a sound that was thick like a viscous port. It slid down her insides rich and heavy, bursting with the sweetness of caramelized raisins. Lord help her, he was a feast and she was a woman starving. In fact she hadn’t eaten in years, centuries.

He held both sides of the carriage door-frame then stepped inside. His weight dipping her and the cabin slightly towards him then righted as he sat across from her as a palpable awareness slipped under her skirts and meandered its way over every limb.

“So, you’re offering me a ride home?” He stopped for effect and looked at her with the full power of his charm, “ I think you know what I want Lily.”


© Elsa Holland

Image © Dascha Friedlova

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