weekend_writing_warriors_black2Weekend Writing Warriors #8sunday

The Weekend Writing Warriors share  8-10 sentences over the weekend. Here are mine from the start of a historical novel set in Victorian London called THE PAINTED HEART.

This is at the start of the book when Miss Elzpeth James, Governess to the Hurley twin’s collection of girls, is showing her charges to a potential benefactor, Mr Blackburn the illegitimate brother of Lord Sinclair.

London, 1898.

Elzpeth stepped back, took out the small note pad she kept in her pocket and wrote what she hoped would be helpful advice.
‘It works best if you ask them to come forward and tell you a little about themselves.’
She passed the note off to a servant stationed at the side and then moved back into position at the back of the viewing platform.
Mr. Blackburn’s eyes flicked over to her as she moved. Elzpeth froze.
That gaze was sharp, a harsh and penetrating force that sent shards through her chest and pierced her to the spot.
She was saved from his perusal when her note arrived. He opened it, read it and then screwed it up letting it drop by the chair as he looked at her again. This time there was something far more disturbing about the way he looked at her, something she couldn’t quite understand that made her skin feel suddenly hot and tight over her bones.

  © Elsa Holland

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